Back about 3 years ago I was bored and started messing around with my phone, I realized there were many options people didn't know nor care about. I started messing around with options such as changing the phones language there was serious potential to annoy people. It first started by putting my mothers phone into french, she was so confused and annoyed that it inspired me. For the next year whenever someone left their phone unguarded I would change it into Spanish, or French if it was offered by the phone, on rare occasions there would be a setting for Portuguese which would make me very happy. One day it took someone longer than usual to notice their phone was stolen so I began to look at other settings. One stuck out to me. Minutebeep. The. Best. Phone. Setting. Ever. I looked up what minute beep was that night and learned it was a function which caused the phone to beep every minute to enable the user to know how long the call was to regulate minutes. I began doing it to peoples phone along with changing the language (everyone knew I changed peoples phone languages by now, most knew how to change it back). This allowed the changing of minute beep to go unnoticed. One day was talking to a friend and told her about minute beep and its glory. She immediately punched me. "What the hell, that was minute beep! I thought the FBI was listening to my phone." Text cannot convey the seriousness in her tone. Although I cannot say how other people reacted I'm sure it annoyed them.
Note I would like to point out too many people know how to fix this phone stuff so it is not really feasible to do it anymore.
Freshmen year I was bored during. I decided to device a technique to a annoy a friend of mine. After some thought I decided I would make a scavenger hunt. It took a little while but I made 15 relatively tricky clues which would take him all over the building including into the library where I told him the next clue was on page 89 or so of a 9 volume encyclopedic. The clues were made it was time to set the trap. He put his backpack in front of his locker as he does every freeperiod and I quickly stole it away and hid it. I walked up to him and asked him where his backpack was. He simply said "Dax what the $#@# did you do with my backpack" after which I handed him the clue. He spent that entire period following the clues the final of which simply lead him back to his locker.
Stay trolin friends.
Is dis too far?