Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Trolling kids being philosophical is super duper easy if you follow these two simple steps taught to me by Plato.

1. Bait.
Make sure they think you care about what they are saying and that they think you think they are making sense. A lot of people when they are trying to be philosophical don't make sense or make very little sense, pretend they are. Nodding and saying umhum helps here a lot.

2. Question.
Make sure you wait until they have finished making a point before you respond. If they try to let their point go by uncontested make sure you say something like "wait" or "stop to ensure you are able to say something. Always respond with a question, particularly one that is hard to answer.  Questions put people on the defensive which is where you want them to be, constantly having to justify themselves. 

This question can take numerous forms:
You can slide down a nice slippery slope.
Them: Women should be able to choose whether or not to get an abortion.
Me:  So killing babies is okay?

Them: Abortions are wrong.
Me: What if the baby came as the result of a rape? Are you advocating for the spread of rape genes?

You can say false things.
Them: Marijuana should be legalized.
Me: Doesn't marijuana kill brain cells?

You can appeal to authority
Them: We should cut taxes.
Me: How do you know better than the government?

You can insult them.
Them: Bread is a wonderful food.
Me: Um are your parents related?


Remember your purpose is to make them angry not to make sense. If you run out of things to think about keep asking "why?" eventually they will not have a reasonable answer. Good luck trolling.

Two videos talking about why questions:
stand up




  1. This is such a horrible song. The video of the scientist is pretty cool though. I shall use this in the future.

  2. Why would you put that song in this post. I really enjoy the tutorial though, I will hopefully take it to heart and apply your useful knowledge to all areas of my life. Great post.

  3. haha dax. you do love to troll. i now see where youre coming from in philosophy :P. I might have to enlighten Mr. Vaughn as to what youre doing...lol just playing. It is true though. You can always counter what people say in philosophy with questions. good post

  4. interesting post. I now slightly understand your trolling antics. also, I noticed this was posted at 4 am. get sleep dax.

  5. You forgot "Compare some aspect of the other guy's argument to Nazism". For best effect, combine Reductio ad Hitlerum with some other fallacy. Also, the Chewbacca defense. Derail their argument and you win. Both are far more effective trolling methods than lying, I'm sure.

  6. The best part is watching them, in an attempt to salvage their point, actually start agreeing with you.


  7. First of all, love your background. Very original. Second, wow I wish I was able to troll as well as you can. I'll be sure to practice though! Especially in philosophy, you do shine in that class. I'm glad to see you sharing your talents with the world. Great post!

    P.S. This song is horrendous.

  8. I'm here looking for a new post, but I don't see one. You should have written a fifth by now, correct?

  9. The, "are your parents related" is such a classic. Gotta love it. 4 AM though? You're an idiot...

  10. I really don't like you for posting that stupid video. I'm quite disappointed

  11. "I'm here looking for a new post, but I don't see one. You should have written a fifth by now, correct?"

    Wow your right.

  12. I loved this so much! Your knowledge of trolling skills are wonderfully entertaining :)

  13. Classic Dax, classic. Friday......... ughhh
